Ansel Elgort Talks His Alter Ego, Ansolo

Many are just discovering the musical side of the "Insurgent" actor.

ByABC News
March 17, 2015, 1:20 PM
Ansel Elgort arrives at the "The Divergent Series: Insurgent" premiere at the Ziegfeld Theater in New York, March 16, 2015.
Ansel Elgort arrives at the "The Divergent Series: Insurgent" premiere at the Ziegfeld Theater in New York, March 16, 2015.
Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images

— -- There's another side to Ansel Elgort that some of his fans are just getting to know.

"The Fault in Our Stars" and "Insurgent" actor is also a producer of EDM or electronic dance music. And he even has an alter ego -- Ansolo, like Han Solo without the "H." Ansolo even has his own Twitter account, where his profile says, "On a mission to... #BRINGBACKTHEGROOVE."

"I get tweets every day from people being, like, 'Wow! Can't believe Ansølo is also Ansel Elgort!' and that's really awesome to me, because it shows they would have been fans of my music either way," Elgort told GQ recently.

Ansolo made his musical debut with "Totem" last July, which reached number nine on the iTunes Dance Chart and earned him some serious cred in the EDM world. He's following that up with the just-released remix of Galantis "Runaway," on iTunes.


— Ansolo (@Ansolo_Music) March 15, 2015

"I'll get random bros come up to me and say, like, 'Bro you were amazing in The Fault in Our Stars,' because their girlfriends made them see it or whatever, but those same guys, men ages 18 to 24, are also big EDM fans," Elgort explained to GQ. "And it's really interesting, because usually when a guy that age comes up to me to ask for a photo, they call me Ansølo. I think it's cause it's a way that they can relate to me and be a fan of me without feeling like they like the same guy that little girls do. But when I first got into music, those are the types of guys whose respect I wanted. I don't want to just sell out shows to young girls who like my movie franchise. I want to sell tickets because people respect me."

Folks will have a chance to check out Ansolo live when he performs at ULTRA Music Festival in Miami on March 28 and the SOMETHING WONDERFUL Music Festival in Dallas on April 18.

He's already impressed the few fortunate folks who got to see him DJ at New York nightclub Pancha for his 21st birthday this past Saturday. Elgort told GQ the party started at his place, "then we all went in a party bus to Pacha where I was playing. My dad, who is 74, went to Pacha and sat in this seat at a table right across the booth and watched the show. It was amazing."

LAST NIGHT WAS NUTS!!! @PachaNYC that was the most fun I've had. We partied so hard together! All of us :)

— Ansolo (@Ansolo_Music) March 15, 2015

Even more amazing, Elgort said, would be the chance to produce a record for his idol, Missy Elliott.

"It would be totally different, but she makes party music," he said. "'Lose Control' was my favorite song when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I used to dance around to that s*** all the time. It actually was like an inside joke on one of my movie sets, because we played it all the time."

Which gets us back to his other career, as A-list actor. Would he be willing to give it up to become the top EDM producer?

"I definitely think I can be a successful producer and actor at the same time," Elgort/Ansolo said. "That's why I love my life."

\"I'll get random bros come up to me and say, like, 'Bro you were amazing in The Fault in Our Stars,' because their girlfriends made them see it or whatever, but those same guys, men ages 18 to 24, are also big EDM fans,\" Elgort explained to GQ. \"And it's really interesting, because usually when a guy that age comes up to me to ask for a photo, they call me Ansølo. I think it's cause it's a way that they can relate to me and be a fan of me without feeling like they like the same guy that little girls do. But when I first got into music, those are the types of guys whose respect I wanted. I don't want to just sell out shows to young girls who like my movie franchise. I want to sell tickets because people respect me.\"

Folks will have a chance to check out Ansolo live when he performs at ULTRA Music Festival in Miami on March 28 and the SOMETHING WONDERFUL Music Festival in Dallas on April 18.

He's already impressed the few fortunate folks who got to see him DJ at New York nightclub Pancha for his 21st birthday this past Saturday. Elgort told GQ the party started at his place, \"then we all went in a party bus to Pacha where I was playing. My dad, who is 74, went to Pacha and sat in this seat at a table right across the booth and watched the show. It was amazing.\"

LAST NIGHT WAS NUTS!!! @PachaNYC that was the most fun I've had. We partied so hard together! All of us :)

— Ansolo (@Ansolo_Music) March 15, 2015

Even more amazing, Elgort said, would be the chance to produce a record for his idol, Missy Elliott.

\"It would be totally different, but she makes party music,\" he said. \"'Lose Control' was my favorite song when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I used to dance around to that s*** all the time. It actually was like an inside joke on one of my movie sets, because we played it all the time.\"

Which gets us back to his other career, as A-list actor. Would he be willing to give it up to become the top EDM producer?

\"I definitely think I can be a successful producer and actor at the same time,\" Elgort/Ansolo said. \"That's why I love my life.\"

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