Ghosts of the White House: Lincoln, Adams and Madison Haunt 1600 Penn

The White House is spookier than you might think.

ByABC News
October 29, 2016, 3:10 AM

— -- The presidential election is not the only scary thing surrounding the White House this Halloween.

If you step inside the East Room, you'll find the ghost of the home's original resident, Abigail Adams, folding laundry and, nearby, Abraham Lincoln’s mourning the death of son Willie.

One room over in the red room paces a frantic Dolly Madison, who will tell you about wonderful parties she has hosted and the portrait of George Washington she saved when British soldiers set the White House on fire in the War of 1812.

PHOTO: Actors dressed as President Abraham Lincoln, center, and first lady Abigail Adams, right,  look up as they watch President Barack Obama depart the White House aboard Marine One in Washington, D.C. October 28, 2016.
Actors dressed as President Abraham Lincoln, center, and first lady Abigail Adams, right, look up as they watch President Barack Obama depart the White House aboard Marine One in Washington, D.C. October 28, 2016.
Kevin Lamarque/REUTERS

For a special Halloween exhibit this year, you can meet the ghosts of the White House's past. The visitor's office and the first lady's office came together this year to put together a very VIP weekend, open to the public for those who requested tours through their representatives' offices, and it continues through Sunday.

Throughout the White House East Wing, actors are stationed to play ghosts of presidents, vice presidents and first ladies past, representing some commonly retold ghost stories about the building's residents who aren't quite ready to move out.

They're eager to tell you about life as they know it and share their timeless wisdom.

White House head photographer Pete Souza Instagrammed a picture of President Obama’s consulting with one of his predecessors in the Oval Office today.

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