Jenny Mollen Reveals Past Miscarriage With Husband Jason Biggs
The comedian explains how the tragedy shaped their relationship.

Jan. 7, 2014 — -- Jenny Mollen, comedian, expectant mother and wife to Jason Biggs of "American Pie," just revealed that she and her actor husband actually got pregnant once before in 2008.
The pregnancy ended in miscarriage.
Mollen and Biggs, who married in 2008 and announced in July that they were expecting their first child, were scared back in 2008, especially Mollen, who was 28 at the time.
They had only been dating six months and she found out about the pregnancy while they were skiing in Vermont, she says now.
Thinking that she was unprepared to have a child, Mollen wrote in a personal essay for Cosmopolitan magazine published today, she reacted at the time in panic, saying, "I can't breathe. This can't be happening. I'm gonna faint ... I don't want a baby."
Mollen, now 34, even joked in her essay, titled "First Comes Miscarriage, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes Baby," about how she "spent the rest of the trip skiing like I was a stunt man in a Warren Miller [ski] film" and "There wasn't any point in holding back. As far as I was concerned, my life was over."
READ: Jason Biggs Expecting First Child With Jenny Mollen
Mollen said she even thought about abortion, but that she didn't want to ruin a relationship with the man she loved and eventually would marry, so she and Biggs decided to keep the child.
"We spent the next three months preparing for parenthood by moving in together, getting into couples' therapy, and buying an SUV," she said. "The circumstances didn't allow us time to play games. We had to abandon our egos and just be vulnerable."
But one day at the doctor's office, the couple got horrible news.
"Our fetus was over us. He had deemed us unfit parents," she wrote. "His heart rate had slowed, and it was merely going to be a matter of time before I miscarried ... we locked bodies and started crying."
She continued, "The only thing remaining was my intense love for Jason. The events bonded us in such a way that I knew we were meant to be forever. Less than a month later, we eloped."
RELATED: The Cast of 'American Pie': Then and Now
Mollen explains why she and the "Orange Is the New Black" actor waited five years to try again to get pregnant.
"We wanted to give our relationship time to grow and blossom," she said.
Indeed, Mollen joked that she could have waited a few more years to get pregnant if her husband, 35, hadn't "informed me that I was now 34 and a half, which was basically 35, which was basically 40," so the couple announced the new pregnancy in 2013.
And when the couple became pregnant again, "Once again, I crumbled into my lap hyperventilating, but this time it was with excitement. ... The only thing I knew with confidence was that I was ready to have my life hijacked. Which is all to say, we're keeping it."