Mila Kunis Says She Wasn’t Attracted to Ashton Kutcher at First

The couple met in their teens and reconnected in their twenties.

ByABC News
July 26, 2016, 9:39 AM

— -- Can you imagine Mila Kunis without Ashton Kutcher? Or Kutcher without Kunis? For many, the superstar duo are the epitome of the perfect Hollywood couple. But it turns out, it’s a relationship that almost didn’t happen.

Kunis, a recent guest on ABC News’ “Popcorn With Peter Travers” revealed it wasn’t a case of love at first sight for either her or Kutcher.

“I was 14 and he was 19,” Kunis said of their first meeting. “It wasn’t even a possibility. I don’t know how to explain it.”

The pair co-starred side-by-side on the hit sitcom "That '70s Show" together for eight seasons. And after the show was done, they kept in touch via AOL’s iChat. Still, for years, they only remained friends.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis in That '70s Show, 1998.
20th Century Fox Television

“I didn’t realize how good-looking he was until we reconnected when I was in my late 20s. That’s the God’s honest truth,” Kunis, 32, told Peter Travers. “We always, always kept in touch for years and years and years, both had completely separate lives, lived two separate lives, became two completely different people. It wasn’t until literally my late 20s that we reconnected. ” she said. But perhaps fate stepped in and turned things around because something eventually changed in Kunis’ eyes.

“I was like, ‘Oh my God, you’re really good looking and incredibly smart,’” Kunis said of her eye-opening moment.

Kunis and Kutcher are now married and have a 1-year-old daughter together. They are expecting their second child later this year.

Kunis is starring in the new film “Bad Moms,” which hits theaters this Friday.

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