Queen Elizabeth II Sends Her First Tweet
Find out what she wrote!

— -- She's a woman of the times!
Queen Elizabeth II took to Twitter for the first time ever this morning, sending the message before an audience of 600 guests from the science and technology fields at the opening of a new exhibit at London's Science Museum.
"It is a pleasure to open the Information Age exhibition today at the @ScienceMuseum, and I hope people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth R," she wrote.
According to the Associated Press,the Queen uses the signature, "Elizabeth R" for official documents. The "R'' is for, "regina", the Latin word for "queen."
The Queen, 88, is the latest in her family to tweet from the @BritishMonarchy account. Earlier this year, Prince Harry sent his first tweet to promote the @InvictusGames, after which he posted his first selfie. (He even got his brother, the Duke of Cambridge, in on that one!)
However, that wasn't Prince William's first brush with social media. He and his wife, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, used his family's @clarencehouse account to announce the birth of Prince George in 2013 and last month, when they announced that they're expecting again.