'Sarah Sanders got off easy' at White House Correspondents' dinner: Seth Meyers
Michelle Wolf’s former boss, "Late Night" host Seth Meyers, came to her defense.
Michelle Wolf caught flack from the president for telling “filthy” jokes at this year’s White House Correspondents’ dinner, but the comedian’s former boss, Seth Meyers, said those filthy jokes are a part of what makes her funny.
“Now, Michelle Wolf doesn't need anyone to defend her, but she is our friend so just know when you call her filthy you are right,” Meyers, host of “Late Night,” said Monday. “She is filthy and she is mean, which is what we love about her.
“Because those are wonderful qualities for comedians and terrible qualities for free world leaders,” he said, in an apparent reference to President Donald Trump, who said Wolf "totally bombed."

Wolf faced swift backlash in the wake of her Saturday night routine in Washington, but people were most critical of jokes she made about press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
"Every time Sarah steps up to the podium, I get excited because I’m not sure what we’re going to get: A press briefing, a bunch of lies or divided into softball teams," Wolf said.
Wolf continued, "I actually really like Sarah. I think she’s very resourceful. But she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Like maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies."
Critics of the routine said the comedian got too personal with her jokes about Sanders, but Meyers, who hosted the event back in 2011, said Wolf could have said worse things.
“If you ask me, Sarah Huckabee Sanders got off easy,” Meyers said.

The “Late Night” host also criticized the White House Correspondents' Association, which organized the dinner, for refusing to defend her.
“You hired her,” Meyers said. “That's like a parent sending an email saying, ‘Yesterday's birthday was meant to celebrate Kevin turning 6 years old. Unfortunately the stripper's dance routine was not in the spirit of the party.’”