'Survivor' Book Deal Canned

ByABC News
September 13, 2000, 3:30 PM

N E W  Y O R K, Sept. 13 -- Millionaire Survivor Richard Hatch has been voted off the book list. Hatchs lucrative deal with St. Martins Press has collapsed.

We are not doing the book, St. Martins spokesman JohnMurphy said in todays edition of the New York Post.

CBS Releases Own Volume

Under terms of its exclusive deals with Hatch and his 15 fellowSurvivor castaways, CBS has veto power over how they can tradeon their participation in the hit adventure-game series.

And the network already had a book in the works. The officialaccount, Survivor, written by the series executive producerMark Burnett with Martin Dugard, arrived in book stores this week.

CBS spokesman Chris Ender said, Rich was very clear to us fromthe very beginning: He wanted to write about his life, not theSurvivor experience. He got CBS go-ahead.

But the Web site Inside.com reported today that a differentproposal for Survival Skills for Life: An Owners Manual wassubmitted to publishers than the one CBS approved. According toInside.com, St. Martins agreed to pay nearly $500,000 for aSurvivor tell-all which Hatch wasnt authorized to write.

A St. Martins spokesman wasnt immediately available forcomment.