How to Talk to Your Teen About Sex

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 12, 2006, 8:59 AM

April 12, 2006— -- While the rate of teen pregnancy is down nationwide, there remain pockets without progress where teen pregnancy is still a problem.

Seventeen magazine Editor in Chief Atoosa Rubenstein joined "Good Morning America" with some advice for parents about talking to their children about sex.

Talk About Prevention
It's important for parents to have that dialogue with their kids. Many parents are embarrassed to have the talk with their kids, or if they talk about contraception, they won't explain fully. Parents have to be very clear in this dialogue, and talk not only about pregnancy prevention but sexually transmitted diseases as well.

Talk About the Consequences
Parents must be clear about their expectations. Let teens know that pregnancy at their age is not acceptable. Some parents had their children when they were teens, so they should share that experience and how hard it was. It's not that teen moms will be unsuccessful, but it adds a major obstacle for future success for both the teen mom and the baby.

Teach, Don't Preach
Every parent of teens knows that if you wag your finger at them, if you jump down their throats, they will instantly want to do whatever you've said no to. Have a dialogue. Make sure they can ask you anything they need to know about sex. Very often teen girls have a baby to feel unconditional love, love they may be missing at home. Make sure that you're making enough time for your teens and that they feel heard and loved.