Joel Osteen Book Excerpt: 'It's Your Time'

Read an excerpt from Joel Osteen's new book on achieving dreams.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 28, 2009, 2:27 PM

Nov. 3, 2009— -- Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church, one of America's largest and fastest-growing churches, writes about how people can grow in their faith.

In "It's Your Time: Activate Your Faith, Achieve Your Dreams, and Increase in God's Favor," Osteen says it's important to get one's hopes up. His new book is full of biblical references, practical advice and uplifting stories from people who have overcome challenges.

Read the excerpt below, and then head to the "GMA" Library to find more good reads.

While on vacation in Colorado, I woke up early for a hike. Thethree-mile trail ran to the peak of Beaver Creek Mountain. At thebase a sign said it should take about three hours to reach the top.Looking up to my destination, I was intimidated. The trail wasextremely steep. The altitude at the base was 8,000 feet above sealevel. The peak stood at more than 11,000 feet.

Just walking up the first set of stairs, I began breathing heavierthan normal. I had to remind myself to take it easy. At home inHouston, I run several miles a few times a week and play a lotof basketball. But the elevation there is only fifty feet above sealevel. The thinner air in the Colorado mountains had me doubtingwhether I could make it to the top.

I started out with just my cell phone and a bottle of water. Determined,I set a pretty good pace. The first fifteen minutes seemedfairly easy. The next fifteen minutes were increasingly difficult. I feltas though I were carrying an extra load. I had to stop every so oftento catch my breath.

About forty-five minutes into my hike, the trail got extremelysteep—almost like I was climbing straight up. My pathway snakedskyward through thick stands of aspen and ponderosa pine. Theview was both beautiful and daunting. Despite the fact I am inshape from running and playing basketball, my legs were burningand my chest was pounding.

As I climbed over a big ridge, I had to stop for air. Sweat waspouring off my body. I thought: If there's another two hours likethis, I don't know if I can make it.

Up to that point, I had not seen anyone else on the path. Suddenlyan older gentleman heading down the mountain came arounda curve. He wore a T-shirt, shorts, and hiking shoes and carried awalking stick. He seemed cool and calm. And he read me pretty well.As we passed, he said something that changed my whole perspective.He smiled kindly and said in a calm voice: "You are closerthan you think."

Hearing those words, I felt rejuvenated, as if he'd breathed newlife into my lungs. Energy surged through my body. My legs grewstronger. I caught a second wind. From that point forward, withevery stride, I repeated those words of encouragement: "I will makeit. I'm closer than I think."

Though the climb was difficult, though my muscles and lungswere burning, I kept saying, "I'm almost to the top. I know I canmake it." And sure enough, just ten minutes later, I clambered overthese big boulders and beheld a beautiful sight: the summit.

According to the sign at the base, it was supposed to be a threehourhike. But I'd made it in just under an hour! I was much closerthan I'd thought when I passed that gentleman on the trail. Yet,without his encouraging words, I might have turned around. Imight have talked myself out of continuing because I thought I hadtwo more hours to go.

Until I met the older hiker, my perspective was limited and so wasmy thinking. I knew only what I'd read on the sign. He knew I wasjust ten minutes from my goal, and when he told me I was closer, hegave me a fresh perspective. He knew more about the trail ahead ofme, just as God knows more about what lies ahead for you.I don't know where you are headed, what your dreams are, orhow many obstacles you have to overcome. But I encourage you tolet these words reach deep down into your spirit. Receive them byfaith.

You are closer than you think.

A global recession has forced many to postpone their dreamsand cancel their plans. You may have lost your job. You may havelost your savings, maybe even your home. It could be that you havehealth concerns or relationship problems. Maybe you are frustratedbecause it's taking so long to get where you want to be in yourlife. Yet now is not the time to talk yourself out of your goals anddreams. Now is not the time to get discouraged. You may think, as Idid climbing that trail, that you're not even halfway there. You mayfeel you have so far to go. But the truth is, you don't know. Yourdream may just be up around the corner. You may think it will takeanother two years. But if you stay in faith, who knows? It may justbe two more months. You are closer than you think. I believe it'syour time.

Amber Corson was a stay-at-home mom with three young children.When her husband was laid off from his Florida constructionjob as the economy soured, Amber had to take a night-shift job tohelp support the family.

She'd been working that late shift for four weeks. One nightshe was driving home, tired, scared, missing her kids, and worriedabout their future. Amber felt like God had bigger plans forher family than to struggle. She prayed on that drive home. "God,please tell me what I can do to get my family through this."She said His response came to her "like a breath."

"I gave you a gift. Go plant gardens. Do your heart's work."

Amber had a degree in horticulture that she'd never used. Shewas so talented she'd been certified as a master gardener. She hada natural talent for making things grow. That night, she told herhusband what God had put in her heart. She prayed on it. In thenext few weeks, she said, things "just fell into place like it had beenplanned for me all along."

She called her landscaping business Eden Paradise Gardens. Itgrew quickly and flourished beyond anything she had dreamed. Itwas her time!

God wants to breathe new life into your dreams. He wants tobreathe new hope into your heart. You may be about to give up ona marriage, on a troubled child, on a lifelong goal. But God wantsyou to hold on. He says that if you'll get your second wind, if you'llput on a new attitude and press forward like you're headed downthe final stretch, you'll see Him begin to do amazing things.

Tune out the negative messages. Quit telling yourself: I'm neverlanding back on my feet financially. I'm never breaking this addiction.I'm never landing a better job.

Instead, your declarations should be: I am closer than I think. Ican raise this child. I can overcome this sickness. I can make thisbusiness work. I know I can find a new job.

Psalm 30:5 says that weeping may endure for a night, but I knowjoy is coming in the morning. You must get up each day knowingthis could be the day you get the break you need. This could be theday you see your health turn around. This could be the day yourchild comes back home. This could be the day you meet the man orwoman of your dreams.

Zechariah 9:12 says that we should be prisoners of hope. It'seasy to give up. It's easy to get discouraged. But God wants us to beso full of hope, so full of expectancy, that we just can't help believingfor the best.