Excerpt: 'Tommyland'

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 25, 2004, 8:59 AM

Oct. 25, 2004 --- -- Tommy Lee, a king among the royalty of rock 'n' roll bad-boys, reveals details about his relationships with actresses Pamela Anderson and Heather Locklear and more in his autobiography, "Tommyland."

Read an excerpt from Lee's "Tommyland" below.

Chapter One: The State of the Union Address a.k.a. Chapter Juan

Hi there, my name is Tommy Lee, and there's a couple of things you should know about me right away: I don't like to do the easy thing and I don't believe that there's ever just one way to do anything. If people tell you no or assure you that you only have one option in any situation, trust me, they're lying. There are many doors to your destiny, people. Please believe it.

Anyone who knows me won't be surprised that this book isn't a typical journey in a straight line from day one to day now. I can't really do that because I'm really not into history. I'm going to rail on my high school history class in a few minutes. Right now, though, you have to know that I'm more interested in revealing what's most important about my life, like how I cook my steaks; what I think of the tabloids, the truth, my ex-wives, my ex-band, my music; and what an innocent observer might find hanging around my house on any given Sunday. You'll see, just sit back - you'll get plenty of facts and I'll tell you my story, but my real mission is that I want you to know how my memories smell.

I don't like to leave anyone out of my party - and sometimes that's a problem - but in this situation, I'm going to tell all of you fact-and-figure-loving readers where to find what may be missing here: Head into cyberspace. I suggest starting with Google and I'll tell you what you'll discover there if you type in my name: lots of pictures, porno sites, links to shi---tabloid talk shows -- what I call my Untrue Hollywood Stories -- crazy fan sites (you guys rule!), plus a recurring Tommy Lee Jones theme. Somehow it's true, but I don't mind because I've been getting awesome fan mail about the kick-a-- roles I've played in films like Men in Black for years now. It's crazy because, to tell the truth, I didn't even know I could act well enough to carry a feature. If no one minds, I'd like to take a moment to send a message to Mr. Lee Jones if he's reading.