EXCERPT: 'The Impostor's Daughter: A True Memoir'

A sneak peek at Laurie Sandell's colorful graphic memoir about her upbringing.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 3, 2009, 5:45 PM

Aug. 4, 2009 — -- As a child, Laurie Sandell idolized her father. She desperately wanted the approval of the larger-than-life man.

Yet even as a kid, she realized some things about her father didn't make sense -- like the fact that he used different names and wouldn't allow the mail to arrive at home if he was out of town.

As an adult, while writing an article about her father's life for a magazine, Sandell learned that all the information her father had given her about his military service, government jobs and stellar resume were all lies.

In her new graphic novel, "The Impostor's Daughter: A True Memoir," Sandell uses colorful cartoons to depict the relationship between her and her father. She wondered, "If a man whose identity is the basis of my own is a fraud, then who am I?"

Find out by reading an excerpt of Sandell's book, "The Imposter's Daughter: A True Memoir," by clicking here.