iPad Breach: How to Stay Secure

Flaw in AT&T network revealed iPad owners' e-mail addresses, hackers say.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 9, 2010, 6:41 PM

June 10, 2010— -- iPad owners are worried this morning following reports that a security flaw in AT&T's network exposed the e-mail addresses of more than 100,000 iPad 3G owners.

Among the addresses exposed were those of some titans of politics, finance and media, according to a report by the website Gawker.

CLICK HERE to read ABC News' full report on the iPad security breach.

AT&T told "Good Morning America" it has since closed the security gap but that doesn't mean iPad users -- and everyone else for that matter -- shouldn't be vigilant about their e-mail security.

Here are a few steps you can take to help ensure your e-mail doesn't slip out into public.