Credit Solutions of America Statement on Debt Settlement Investigation

Statement from Credit Solutions of America on debt settlement investigation.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 22, 2010, 11:15 PM

April 23, 2010— -- Our specialists are carefully trained to help the thousands of consumers who seek our help each day to get back on to the road to financial freedom. As far as the call, yes, Credit Solutions helps consumers who are unable to pay their bills. It is disappointing that the GAO hand-picked testimony from one customer, while the committee refused to hear from one of the thousands of consumers who successfully reduced their debt when they reached out for help. What is important is the fact that ethical debt settlement programs are a proven debt relief solution for financially burdened Americans. Credit Solutions has settled over $1.2 billion and helped hundreds of thousands of American consumers, in addition to taking a leadership role supporting and pushing for strong consumer protection legislation.