5 Tips to Keep Your Gadget Gifts Working Like New

Learn easy ways to extend the life of your electronic devices.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 15, 2009, 9:28 AM

Dec. 25, 2009 -- Many of the millions of presents opened today will be electronics: brand-new cell phones, laptops, cameras and other gadgets sitting under Christmas trees across the county. But how can you keep them as new as they are on Christmas Day year-round? Here are five gear-maintenance tips to take care of your electronics and ensure that you won't be asking for the exact same present again next year.

Tip 1: Put an ID Tag in Your Gadget

The first step in gadget maintenance is to make sure you don't lose them.

Many people put tape or tags on the outside of their gadgets with their name, address and contact number in the event they get misplaced. This can be effective, but it's also important to put that information in your gadget. Whether it's a cell phone, laptop or camera, there are ways to ensure that even if a tag falls off, your information is there.

If it's a cell phone, make the contact information your wallpaper. If it's a digital camera, make the first picture a photo of a piece of paper with your contact information written on it. Laptop? Save a document on your desktop: "If Lost: Owner Info." That way, no matter what the circumstances, your contact information will be there and easily accessible for whoever might find it.

Tip 2: Get Tracking Software for Phones and Laptops

In addition to protecting your new electronics in case you lose them, it is also important to protect them in the event they are stolen.

There are more and more programs out there that you can buy that provide just that function. GadgetTrak uses GPS and WiFi signals to locate your lost electronic and lock it down remotely so a thief cannot use it and police can track it. There are also programs that alert you via e-mail if someone signs on without a password so you can locate them. Check online or at your local software store for a program that might suit your gadget needs.

Tip 3: Get Antivirus Software

These days, there is not just the threat of theft to worry about, there's also the threat of online viruses. There's no excuse not to protect yourself: It's free! There are many applications available including AVG and AVAST that are no-cost services.

Viruses are the No. 1 thing that makes laptops unusable and bog down computers in spyware, so using the free software can be key to ensuring a longer life for your computer.