Bruce Springsteen criticizes Trump's response to COVID-19 crisis

He sent a pointed message to "the man sitting behind the Resolute Desk."

June 18, 2020, 1:24 PM

Bruce Springsteen's sixth installment of his semi-weekly show on his own satellite radio channel -- dubbed "From My Home to Yours" -- took place Wednesday, and The Boss began his DJ set by ripping into President Donald Trump and other political leaders for their handling of the COVID-19 crisis.

As heard in a segment from the program posted on Springsteen's official YouTube channel, Springsteen kicked things off by saying he'd initially prepared a different show for broadcast "on this strange and eventful summer."

"But with 100,000 plus Americans dying over the last few months and the empty, shamed response from our leaders, I've been simply p----- off," he said.

He added, "Those lives deserve better than just being inconvenient statistics for our president's re-election efforts. It's a national disgrace."

Springsteen then noted that instead of playing songs that celebrate the joys of summer, "we will be contemplating on our current circumstances with the coronavirus and the cost that it has drawn from our nation … We will be calculating what we've lost, sending prayers for the deceased and the families they've left behind."

He also described his set as "a rock 'n' roll requiem," and said he'd be starting things off by "sending one to the man sitting behind the Resolute Desk."

Directing his remarks to the president, Springsteen declared, "With all respect, sir, show some consideration and care for your countrymen and your country. Put on a f------ mask."

Trump has made numerous public appearances without a mask during the coronavirus crisis, although health officials have recommended putting on a facial covering to help prevent the spread of the virus.

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