Queen Elizabeth knights 100-year-old vet Captain Tom: See all the best pictures

Captain Sir Thomas Moore received the honor at Windsor Castle.

July 17, 2020, 10:53 AM

The veteran known as Captain Tom who raised tens of millions of dollars for the British National Health Service during the coronavirus pandemic received a knighthood Friday from Queen Elizabeth.

Capt. Sir Thomas Moore received the honor during a ceremony at Windsor Castle that marked the first investiture the 94-year-old queen has taken part in since she began following strict stay-at-home orders in March during the pandemic.

Measures were put in place to ensure that both the queen and Moore -- considered particularly vulnerable to the virus due to their ages -- were kept safe during the ceremony.

Queen Elizabeth II awards Captain Sir Thomas Moore with the insignia of Knight Bachelor at Windsor Castle on July 17, 2020 in Windsor, England.
Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Moore met the queen outdoors in Windsor Castle’s Quadrangle, accompanied by his family for the special occasion.

Queen Elizabeth used the sword that belonged to her father, George VI, to tap Moore on his shoulders.

Queen Elizabeth II awards Captain Sir Thomas Moore with the insignia of Knight Bachelor at Windsor Castle, July 17, 2020, in Windsor, England.
Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Queen Elizabeth talks with Captain Sir Thomas Moore and his family after awarding his knighthood during a ceremony at Windsor Castle in Windsor, England, July 17, 2020.
Chris Jackson/AP
Captain Tom Moore poses after being awarded with the insignia of Knight Bachelor by Britain's Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain July 17, 2020.
Chris Jackson/Reuters

Moore tweeted his excitement Friday morning before the ceremony, writing, "Good Morning! Ready and raring to go for what is a very special day. Thank you for all the well wishes, as ever, overwhelmed by your support."

Moore gained international fame in April when he raised over $37 million for front-line National Health Service workers in the U.K.

Moore originally aimed to raise $1,000 for charity by walking laps in his garden while under lockdown in Buckinghamshire, England. He hoped to complete 100 laps before he turned 100 in late April.

Moore's online campaign exploded and by the time he reached his 100th birthday on April 30, the World War II veteran had raised tens of millions of dollars.

Moore also received a promotion from Queen Elizabeth to the rank of colonel and a special flyover to commemorate his achievements.

Friday marked a busy day for Queen Elizabeth, who attended the wedding of her granddaughter, Princess Beatrice, on the grounds of Windsor Castle before leading the investiture ceremony for Moore.

ABC News' Guy Davies and Julia MacFarlane contributed to this report.

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