The Angelina Code Cracked: Tattoo's Meaning Revealed

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 8, 2006, 10:36 AM

June 8, 2006 — -- There's a wealth of meaning behind the photos of Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and baby Shiloh Nouvel.

The shots of the new trio purchased by People magazine reveal the true emotions of the couple, said Peter Castro, the magazine's executive editor.

"There are very few pictures of them together anyway, but very, very few of them ever looking at each other," Castro said. "This [cover] picture doesn't lie. For anyone out there that doubted if this relationship was real, if he was just a babymaker, I think these two are really in love."

People magazine will showcase the photos when its new issue comes out Friday. The highly anticipated photos show little Shiloh sleeping soundly in her father's arms. Though she doesn't open her eyes in photos, People reports she has her father's blue eyes. Shiloh also seems to have her mother's lips.

"From the nose down, it's all Angelina and from the nose up it's Brad Pitt," Castro said.

The photos People magazine bought also provided a clear shot of a tattoo on the new mom's arm -- a cryptic design of lines and numbers. A member of People magazine's staff deciphered its meaning.

"Someone noticed these numbers, and someone -- some really smart person on staff -- says, 'Wait a minute. Those look like latitude and longitude lines,'" Castro said. "There happened to be a globe in the office, and we went to the globe and figured it out and the lines are for Ethiopia and Cambodia -- the countries of [Jolie and Pitt's adopted children] Zahara and Maddox. If you see a new set of numbers, I think it will be Namibia."

People reportedly paid $4.1 million for exclusive North American rights to Shiloh's photos. Castro, however, says that reported price tag is wrong and declined to give "Good Morning America" the correct figure.

"We've heard figures between $3.5 and $5 million, and this latest one of $4.1 million," Castro said. "They're all incorrect."

All the money that Jolie and Pitt received from the sale of the first public photographs of Shiloh will go to charities for African children, according to Castro. People will reveal the names of these charities in future issues and on its Web site.