J.Lo Surprises Her 'Bravest' Fan

Friends and family said Jessica Corte's heart and dedication make her unique.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 1:40 AM

Oct. 9, 2007 — -- When 27-year-old Jessica Corte arrived in "Good Morning America's" Times Square studio today, she had no idea she would be selected as Jennifer Lopez's "Bravest Fan" contest winner.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she was overcome with emotion when she was greeted by Lopez and learned that her sister had nominated her for the honor.

Corte's friends and family nominated her for her bravery in handling her emotionally intensive job. Corte is a neonatal intensive care nurse in Detroit, where she cares for the most fragile babies.

Her colleagues said she brings astonishing heart and skill to the job.

"She works with these heartbreakingly tiny babies," said Corte's sister Sabrina Livermore. "She works with their parents and helps their parents bravely get through this battle for their children to get healthy."

For months Corte embraced one struggling little boy. Some days she would rock the infant all day long. "She was very attached to this baby and very devoted," said Dr. Maria Duenas, of St. John Hospital in Detroit.

The 9-month-old did not survive.

"She had that sixth sense of understanding that he was dying on the day that he was dying and so she put him on her chest, held him closely and was there with him as he died," said Dr. Jeanne Lewandowski, of St. John Hospital. "She really loved that baby for all of us."

Corte's capacity to love and hope is what makes her a standout in her profession.

"When they think there's no hope, she gives them that hope," said Corte's sister Jaime Christopher.

Judy Chapman struggled with her baby daughter Sarah, who was just 1½ pounds at birth. "When she was born, things looked very uncertain," Chapman said. "She came out very sick, very tiny and we weren't sure what was going to happen."

But Chapman said Corte's care helped Sarah survive. "I want Jessica to know just seeing a smiling face," was helpful during the difficult time, Chapman said as she thanked Corte.

Today, Sarah weighs 14 pounds and continues to become healthier each day.