10-year-old saves drowning mother suffering seizure in pool
A home security camera captured the moment one 10-year-old leapt into action.
Gavin Keeney is a normal 10-year-old boy from Oklahoma -- but to his mother, he's a hero.
A home security camera captured the moment when Gavin leaped into action to save his drowning mother who was suffering from a seizure in the family's backyard pool.

Lori Keeney said the two were having a "wonderful morning" when they had decided to jump into the pool for a swim.
"[Gavin] had just gotten out of the pool and I just went into a seizure," Keeney said. "It scared me more than I've ever been scared."
Keeney is epileptic and prone to seizures.

Gavin, who was on the porch, said he heard splashing and then looked and saw his mother "sinking in the pool."
He dove into the pool, carried his mother to the ladder and kept her head above water for more than a minute before his grandfather jumped in to help.

"I was scared a little bit," Gavin said.
The Kingston Police Department later presented Gavin with an award for his bravery.

Keeney said she could not be more grateful for her son.
"He's definitely my hero," she said. "But I really do feel like he's my guardian angel, as well."