Beloved school custodian gets surprise that moves him to tears

Someone pass the tissues please.

Beloved school custodian gets surprise that moves him to tears
October 18, 2018, 4:24 PM

"Not all superheroes wear capes."

That's how Andrea Orr captioned the Facebook video she took at Moody Elementary School in Moody, Alabama.

The cape-less superhero in question? The school custodian, Eugene Hilton.

"Mr. Eugene," as he's known at Moody Elementary, is not only a superhero to the kids, but a beloved part of the community.

Earlier this month on National Custodial Workers Day, the third-grade classes got together to surprise Mr. Eugene with cards and signs.

"Thank you Mr. Eugene for always lending a helping hand," read one large banner.

Just try to get through the video without shedding a tear.