Couple wears original wedding attire in 60th anniversary photos
The couple met while teaching at the same school.
A couple celebrating 60 years of marriage decided to pose in the same formal wear they donned on the day they said: "I do."
Lucille and Marvin Stone of Kearney, Nebraska, wed on Aug. 21, 1960. When their 60th anniversary was approaching, Lucille contacted photographer Katie Autry and asked if she would photograph her and her husband in their original wedding attire.
The images garnered thousands of shares on Facebook.
"I said, 'You still have it? And you can wear it? Oh my gosh Lucille, I think that's an amazing idea,'" Autry told "Good Morning America." "I think so many people saw their story and it was just a breath of fresh air."

Autry, who has taken family photos for one of the Stones' three children, said the couple wore their wedding attire for their 25th anniversary pictures as well.

Lucille had made her dress by hand and covered each button with satin fabric.
The couple met while teaching at the same school. Lucille taught home economics and Marvin taught math, English and geometry.
"They're very humble and they just can't believe that many people would be interested in them," Autry said. "Being in their space, you could see how much they care about each other and that's a rare thing to find."

On her Facebook page, Autry revealed the Stones' secrets to a lasting marriage: work hard and be kind to one another.