Pink defends Jessica Simpson against the #parentingpolice

Her post shows she stands in solidarity.

ByGood Morning America via GMA logo
August 2, 2019, 1:58 PM

The mom shamers came for Jessica Simpson, but a famous friend had her back.

On Wednesday, Simpson posted a photo to Instagram of her daughter Maxwell Drew, 7, with the ends of her hair dyed pink. And while most of the comments were positive, there were of course the critics.

"Isn’t she too young to have her hair dyed?" commented one. "Don't like it much at all," said another.

Simpson didn't engage the critics, but fellow famous mom Pink did - sort of.

Pink posted to her own Instagram a photo of her daughter, Willow Sage, 7, having her hair dyed blue.

She captioned it, "I heard people were bummed on Jessica Simpson for letting her seven year old get her hair colored. So we thought we’d share what we did yesterday. #bluehairdontcare #getyourownkids #parentpoliceareactuallyjustlonelysadpeople #illdyeyourhairtoolosers #ohlookmanocomments"

The outspoken mom has had a tumultuous relationship with social media. In April, Pink announced she would no longer post photos of her children on social media. Last month, she disabled the comments on her Instagram after being trolled by mom shamers.

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