6 simple ways to spend summer outside with your kids from an Instagram influencer

The more time you spend outdoors the easier it gets.

6 simple ways to spend summer outside with your kids from an Instagram influencer
Shannon Robertson
ByGood Morning America via GMA logo
July 9, 2020, 10:25 AM

Shannon Robertson is the mom behind the Instagram account Ramble on Wild. She describes herself as a "mountain-loving, mountain-living mom with a hunger for wilderness exploration, preservation and endurance sports." She lives in Eastern Sierra, California.

Contrary to popular belief, getting outside with your kids is easier than it may seem. I’ve never been the most planned-out mother with organized toys and snacks in tow, ready to hit the beach with my kids. In fact, I’ve been quite the opposite -- always leaving something behind -- and yet, it all still works. Leave your anxiety and anxiousness behind and get ready to make some lasting memories with your kids.

Pitch a backyard tent

No matter what the weather -- rain or shine -- pitch a tent in the backyard with your kids. With the convenience of being in your own backyard, you can make the tent as cozy and comfortable as possible. This is a great way to get kids used to the idea of going camping and backpacking later on. Have the kids use flashlights, walkie-talkies, prepare their own snacks, and help pitch the tent.

Make a habit of riding bikes together

Whether you are going to the mailbox, the local park or skatepark, ride your bikes there. Kids thrive on being active. Not only is the movement good for them, but it's also good for you, too. Whether we are home, or traveling somewhere else by car, we bring our bikes with us on a bike rack and make it a point to ride as much as possible.

Hike. Hike. Hike.

Disconnect from screens and connect with nature. Start small, be patient and let it grow gradually.

Create running challenges

Some kids thrive on friendly competition, either with their peers or with themselves. My daughter loves challenging herself and created her own goal of running 5 miles. She started with 1, then 2 and then she was ready for 5. She was so incredibly proud of herself when she completed her goal and that was, by far, the best part.

Go explore places close to home

Oftentimes, there are places close to home that we've always wanted to visit, yet have never taken the time to drop by. Make it a point to visit a couple of those places. Chances are you'll surprise yourself.

Try something new, like rock climbing

Rock climbing, whether in a local gym or outdoors, seems to come more naturally to children than it does to adults who are just learning. More often than not, they love it and it is great for their confidence, strength building and burning energy. There are great courses everywhere. Check online in your area.

The most important thing is to just get outside with the kids. The more time you spend outside, the easier it gets. Keep it simple and keep it fun!

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