Woman walks into family photo to surprise sister at graduation

Andrea Celeste McCarthy flew from the U.K. to California to surprise her sister.

Woman walks into family photo to surprise sister at graduation
Andrea Celeste McCarthy via Storyful
March 27, 2024, 2:42 PM

A family photo at a college graduation turned into an emotional surprise reunion.

Andrea Celeste McCarthy was hiding behind a tree as her sister and parents posed for a photo at her sister's college graduation ceremony in Arcata, California.

Just as the photographer counted to three to take the photo, McCarthy walked out from behind the tree, shocking her sister.

PHOTO: Andrea Celeste McCarthy flew from the U.K. to California to surprise her sister at her graduation.
Andrea Celeste McCarthy flew from the U.K. to California to surprise her sister at her graduation.
Andrea Celeste McCarthy via Storyful

McCarthy, who lives in the United Kingdom, shared a video of the surprise on TikTok. She said she shared the video to show "one of the harder realities" of living in a different country from her family.

"It means sometimes missing some of the most important moments in the people you love the most's lives and not seeing your bestest friend in the whole world (my sister) as often as you want," McCarthy wrote alongside the video. "But this was one of those rare moments I got to be by her side while she achieved a dream she has had her entire life and I couldn't be prouder."

She continued, "I feel really privileged to be able to live abroad where I dreamt of living when I was younger but it has taught me to never forget to always be there for the people you hold dear. Truly there is nothing else in the world that matters more than that."