Working mom's clip chart is the hilarious life hack we all need right now

It's hilarious and it works.

April 23, 2020, 4:07 PM

Clip charts are not just for the classroom anymore.

One mom's viral post on the clip chart she created for her kids is the hilarious life hack all work-from-home parents need right now.

Kate Danielson is the founder and executive director of Foster Progress, a nonprofit that helps kids who have experienced foster care access and achieve in higher education. She is the parent of four children -- two biological, one adopted through foster care and one she and her husband have guardianship over.

But even besides parenting, the Chicago mom is very busy.

"We're supporting our students by making sure they're safe during this quarantine," she told "Good Morning America." "Our college students often don't have families to return home to, so we are working to make sure they all have temporary living arrangements and, in some cases, supporting their lost income by buying them groceries and essentials."

Her busy work-from-home schedule led to the clip chart -- with escalating warnings for kids trying to bother her.

"The door sign was meant to be useful and also make my kids laugh," Danielson said. "When you have a big family, and each kid has the same question multiple times per day, it gets old fast! I sprinkle sarcasm liberally throughout my parenting strategies."

The chart isn't just boilerplate warnings though, it was personalized for her family.

"My oldest, Isaac, kept asking to jump off the deck onto the trampoline, even though he knew what I was going to say," she said. "My youngest, Michael, kept asking why about everything: 'Why can’t we go to the park? Why are the restaurants closed? Why can’t we visit grandma?' Eventually, he would answer himself: 'Nevermind, I know! Because coronavirus!' So 'Why?' had to be included on the FAQs."

But in addition to getting a laugh, it's working, Danielson said.

"I hear the kids outside the door going, 'You guys, mom is on the deep orange! Shut up!' I have only put my clip on the green once. That was a mistake." Plus, she said, the FAQs have made the kids more self aware of how many times they ask the same questions.

But a sign can't do it all. Danielson said her husband, Zach, is "a true equal partner."

"I know so many moms' careers are taking a hit because they're still expected to do all the parenting and household management while their husbands close their doors and just do their jobs," she said. "Zach takes the lead on communicating with teachers and takes breaks throughout the day to tag team parenting. I am a lucky lady."

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