Last-Minute Gifts That Save Money

Wendy Bounds tells you about five gifts that will save money.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 24, 2008, 8:20 AM

Dec. 24, 2008 — -- Christmas is just hours away, and if you're one of the thousands of people who have yet to finish holiday shopping, there's still time to get a great gift. "GMA" financial contributor Wendy Bounds breaks down five last-minute gifts that keep on giving by saving the recipient money in the post-holiday season. Check them out below.

Price: $42

Annual Savings:$840

First thing I do when I'm feeling flush is get a manicure and pedicure, and it's also the first thing I cut when I'm not. Manicure/pedicure kits come complete with everything that's used in a salon, along with range of colors like the "I need a change" makeover kit. They' re a great way to save a significant chunk of change.

Calculated against getting mani/pedied twice a month, $35 dollars each time, it's an annual savings of $840.

Price: $40

Annual Savings: $365

Until recently, I've been a big offender, spending too much on bottled water. It's not great for the environment or your wallet. You can cut back with a water pitcher/filter at home and save at work with a bottle you've filled with your filtered water.

Calculated against roughly $30 a month for bottled water, the Zero Water Filter Pitcher could save you $365 a year. Bonus savings is not having to buy plastic cups if you take wine on a picnic. You can get this kind of thing at any retailer.

Price: $20

Annual Savings:$150

Curtains look great, but they also help seal and insulate your windows. It's one of the most effective ways to save money up to $25. The curtains go for about $20 a panel and are available at major retailers. They're light blocking, energy-saving curtains.

According to one manufacturer estimate, the savings translate into $150 a year off your utility bills.


Annual Savings: $170

We all have to eat, and the cost of food has gone up. There are a couple things you can get someone, even someone without a green thumb. Start with herbs like rosemary; you can buy the plants anywhere at Christmastime and keep them inside. You can buy basil and parsley as seeds and grow them inside in winter. And salads too, lettuce and tomatoes are a good way to get your feet wet with gardening.Annual Savings: $75

That's the cost of gas for the drive to the video store. Blockbuster has an on-demand set-top box. The average price of a store rental is $4.37. This box costs $100, the recipient gets 25 prepaid rentals, and additional rentals are $2 to $4 each. So that starts to add up.

Doing some rough calculations, one movie a week means a total annual savings of about $75 over regular video rentals.