Hurricane Survivor Hardy Jackson Gets a House

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 3, 2005, 1:21 PM

Sept. 3, 2005 — -- Even among thousands of horror stories that emerged in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Hardy Jackson's tale of grief stood out.

When a 20-foot wave crushed his Biloxi home, his wife slipped from his grasp and was swept away by the waters -- seemingly gone forever. Her last words were to ask him to look after their children and grandchildren.

Jackson's plight touched millions, including somebody who happens to be very generous.

An anonymous benefactor has given Jackson and his family a house in Atlanta. The Jackson family was picked up on Friday night by a van and driven to their new home. They had been staying with relatives because Katrina completely demolished their house.

Jackson, still mourning for his wife, feels extremely grateful for this gift.

"It feels like I'm dreaming," he said. "When will I wake up? Thank you."

The new house will help Jackson, a 54-year-old stay-at-home dad, fulfill his wife's final request that he takes care of the family.

"I'm happy, I'm just happy," he said.