Lottery Winner Helps Heal His Homeland

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 6, 2005, 8:39 AM

Dec. 6, 2005 — -- Ihsan Khan worked for years as a taxi driver in Washington, D.C. Sometimes he drove for 15 hours a day, seven days a week. At times, he slept in the cab.

One fortuitous day, Khan stopped at a gas station and bought a Powerball ticket. His dispatcher came across the intercom one morning and told all the drivers that he had heard a winning ticket had been sold.

"I announced that the winning ticket was sold at the Exxon in Georgetown and (Khan) came on the radio and said: 'Oh that's where I play. I'll have to check my numbers,'" dispatcher George Moore said.

Sure enough, Khan had won $35 million.

"I cried a little bit and got emotional and said this is incredible," he said. "This is something."

What is even more incredible is what Khan did with the money. He used it to come to the aid of his native country, Pakistan, which had recently been ravaged by a devastating earthquake.

He supplied construction materials, tents, and almost $200,000 for medicine.

"Just keep helping your own people," Khan said. "Forget about money."

He's become outspoken against the government corruption he says has prevented the money from getting to those in need.

"The money is there, all we need is good people just simply to do what is right," Khan said.