Your Plan to Hire Yourself This Holiday Season

Here's your plan to hiring yourself this holiday season.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 9, 2010, 8:10 PM

Oct. 4, 2010 — -- Even though experts estimate the availability of as many as 500,000 to 600,000 temporary holidays jobs nationwide this season, some of which I shared here, plenty of people will have more luck bringing in extra cash by creating their own opportunities. The demands of seasonal chores present the chance to offer your time and talent as a holiday helper. The key is to start now.

Start now. Because there's a lot of groundwork to be laid before you start making money -- the money doesn't come overnight -- the sooner you start preparing, the greater chance of success. Use the month of October to develop and execute a five-pronged plan to get your business off the ground. Tackle one step per week, giving the time and attention each step deserves.

Step No. 1: Do your research. Spend a week asking 25 people what they like least about the demands of the holiday season. Also ask this, "If you could have any kind of holiday help, what would it be?" Make a list of the common responses and begin to assemble a list of services you could provide.

Possible services may include:

1) Suggesting gift ideas for everyone on a list
2) Shopping for all of the agreed-upon gifts on a list
3) Wrapping gifts
4) Shipping gifts to out-of-town recipients
5) Trimming a holiday tree and decorating a home for the holidays
6) Arranging exterior holiday lights and yard decorations
7) Planning holiday meals and parties
8) Pet and house sitting for vacationing families
9) Selecting, addressing and mailing holiday greeting cards
10) Returning or exchanging unwanted gifts after the holidays

Step No. 2: Find your target market. Determine exactly who you'll target with your services. Do you have access to men who hate shopping? Might you target busy families that lack the time needed for holiday preparations? Should you go after individuals or business clients? It's important to know who you want to target so you can map a strategy to reach them and develop your marketing message to attract their attention.