Welcome to Job Club Nation

"GMA" and Tory Johnson tell you what you need to know to land your next job.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 15, 2009, 12:45 PM

— -- If you're looking for work, don't go it alone. Job searching and navigating workplace challenges are much easier with the support of a small group of trusted peers.

Start or join a job club to connect with people in your area and share much-needed advice and camaraderie. We'll tell you how to get started now—let's go!

Job clubs are small groups of people who meet regularly to talk candidly about job searching and career advancement, with the goal of supporting the success of all members.

Think of it like a book club, but instead of chapters, you're talking careers. Such groups are rooted in the belief that each member has something valuable to contribute and that everyone benefits from the advice and encouragement that comes out of the diverse group dynamic.

Throughout this section—and on links to ABCNews.com/JobClub—you'll find the basic tools to start a job club, and each week we'll provide you with tips and templates to stay motivated along the way.

The Job Kernl, found on the right side of the Job Club page, is our newest innovation in career counseling. It's a new interactive tool created by Hyperion Voice in cooperation with the GMA Job Club on Abcnews.com. You can load the interactive widget onto your desktop, share it on Facebook or e-mail it to a friend. It provides job seekers with practical advice in manageable pieces: you can watch a few short videos to get motivated or read a more in-depth article to find the right resources online through the Job Club links section. The widget is automatically updated with fresh text, videos and links each week.

Let's face it: Most of us don't relish the idea of embarking on a job search. It can be a lonely and discouraging process. Because of the time it can take to find work, many people lose momentum and grow frustrated. But it doesn't have to be that way. Becoming part of a job club can provide you with valuable assistance and renewed optimism. It may also bring a strong sense of accountability that gets you going in the right direction. When you know that your fellow members expect to hear regularly about your progress, you're more inclined to have a productive period leading up to the club meeting.

The same can be said for other important life tasks, such as losing weight. Many people are more successful when they participate in formal weekly weigh-ins, or when they partner with a buddy to cheer each other on to their goals. That's the kind of support and potential for success that's offered in a job club.