London Zoo's famous gay penguins celebrate Pride

The zoo calls penguins Ronnie and Reggie its "most famous gay residents."

June 27, 2019, 11:36 AM

Pride celebrations this month have extended all the way to a zoo in London.

Ronnie and Reggie, two male penguins that the ZSL London Zoo calls its “most famous gay residents,” are going viral for posing by a pro-LBGTQ banner.

“Some penguins are gay, get over it,” reads the banner, created by zookeepers in homage to the “Get Over It” campaign in the U.K. by Stonewall, a London-based organization that promotes LBGTQ rights.

Penguins at ZSL London Zoo are pictured with a banner celebrating Pride. via Newscom

Ronnie and Reggie got together in 2014, and became parents one year later when they adopted an egg that was abandoned by another couple, according to the London Zoo.

Their chick, Kyton, eventually fled the nest, but Ronnie and Reggie "remain as strong as ever and are often found snuggled up in their nest box together," according to zoo officials.

The penguins are one of three same-sex penguin couples at the zoo, which will celebrate Pride July 6-7. Part of the celebrations will include a Pride-themed talk on "just how common same-sex pairings are – from penguins and pandas to goats and giraffes," according to the zoo.

The Pride celebrations will also double as a first birthday celebration for another penguin, Rainbow, who hatched during Pride celebrations last year.

London will hold its annual Pride parade on July 6.

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