Home Insurance 101: What You Need to Know About Coverage and Saving on Your Premium

Do you know what your policy covers? Want to save money on your premium?

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 20, 2010, 10:23 PM

Sept. 16, 2010 — -- This is hurricane season, and homeowners along the East Coast batten down every time a storm becomes a potential threat to their homes.

Last week, a natural gas line explosion in San Bruno, Calif., killed at least seven people and injured at least 60. Investigators still haven't arrived at a final death toll.

The blast incinerated the San Francisco suburban neighborhood, leveling 40 homes. Images of the raging inferno have dominated newscasts and newspaper reports.

The affected families are likely turning to their homeowners insurance policies to get back on their feet.

Mellody Hobson, "GMA" personal finance expert and president of Ariel Investments, appeared on "Good Morning America" today to tell you what you should know about your homeowners insurance coverage before you have an emergency.

What You Should Know

Q: What's the number one piece of advice you would give to homeowners about their home insurance policies?

A: Hobson said the most important thing that people should know about their policy is exactly what it covers, noting that the worst time to learn exactly what's covered is after your home is damaged.

In a recent National Association of Insurance Commissioners survey, 60 percent of respondents couldn't answer basic questions about their coverage.

When homeowners are deciding what needs to be covered, they should think about the value of their home and belongings, plus the cost of living expenses, should something happen.

Homeowners should ask their agents about what is limited or excluded from their policies. For example, some items – such as jewelry – may require a separate rider at an additional premium.

Q: For those families whose homes were destroyed by the San Bruno pipe explosion, would their homes be covered under their homeowners policies?

A: Yes. Most homeowners insurance policies cover fire, theft, wind damage and explosion. Damage from floods, landslides and earthquakes are generally not covered and therefore require separate policies.