Mellody Hobson: Watch Your Holiday Money Manners

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 11, 2006, 3:51 PM

Dec. 12, 2006 — -- With the the holiday season, it's time to make some crucial decisions on giving gifts -- in the office, in the neighborhood and in the charity world.

There is a certain etiquette involved with buying gifts for co-workers, employees and even the boss. Here is a quick Q&A on how to appropriately spend your money this year.

1. What should you buy your boss? And what do you buy for the people you work for? How much is too much and how much is too little?

For most people, these questions come down to money. If you're like most people, you don't want to overspend. I don't want to underspend.

Exchanging gifts at the office can be tricky. Many firms have policies around holiday gift-giving, so find out what yours is. Gifts could be discouraged at your office, in which case a holiday card for each person in your immediate department or team would be appropriate. Other companies have "Secret Santa" policies where each gift giver spends the same amount.

Should you decide you would like to give a gift to your boss, your direct reports or a few select co-workers, there are a couple of things to avoid -- namely alcohol, gifts with religious connotations, and especially gag gifts. What you think is funny your boss may find offensive. Remember, giving no gift at all is better than giving the wrong gift.

Office gifts should be in a reasonable price range, and they should reflect something your co-worker enjoys -- an everyday latte or a gift certificate to his or her favorite lunch spot.

2. What is the appropriate gift to give your neighbor?

Assuming you and your neighbor enjoy a casual friendship, a small but thoughtful gift is appropriate.

In general, neighborly gifts should be little goodies or gadgets that lift spirits but don't break the bank. However, if you really want to make a real statement, consider giving neighbors a gift that every neighbor would appreciate -- for example, offer complimentary snow removal service in the winter. Write them a card and let them know you or your plow service will clear their driveway for the next snowfall or shovel their walk for January.