Moll Anderson on Romancing Your Home

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 12, 2007, 4:54 PM

Feb. 13, 2007 — -- It's the day before Valentine's Day, but Moll Anderson, author of "Change Your Home, Change Your Life," says you can bring romance into your world every day.

And this romance makeover isn't just for couples. Singles need some spice in their homes as well, she says.

For Anderson, Valentine's Day isn't just about love or sex.

"Think of romance as a way for your senses to respond to your environment. Create a sensual space that makes you feel special! Romance your home and, in turn, romance yourself," she says.

So how can you create that atmosphere?

Romance should begin from the minute you walk into your space -- not only in decor, but in creating rituals for yourself that set a romantic mood.

You can design a very romantic setting that's both easy and inexpensive to create. For example, use a mirrored headboard on your bed. The headboard can be made up of four individual mirrors, hung vertically on the wall at the head of the bed -- cheap and chic.

In feng shui, it is believed that you need to have a solid headboard behind your head (not wrought iron or brass with holes in it) in order to promote stability in your relationships. Mirrors placed behind you are also a positive element, according to the Chinese study of spaces.

You can use pillows made of various textures and personalize them. Take silk pillows of various sizes and shapes and personalize them with pictures, phrases or quotes that mean something to you. Anderson also recommends treating yourself to a cashmere robe or silk pajamas, as well as good quality sheets.