What Women Really Need to Know About Vitamins

What we know about nutrition has changed, but many vitamins may not have.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 30, 2007, 10:15 AM

April 30, 2007 — -- Much of what you know -- or think you know -- about dietary supplements could be wrong.

The May issue of Women's Health magazine says that while Food and Drug Administration daily value recommendations for vitamins haven't changed since 1968, what we know about nutrition has.

The Institute of Medicine has new recommendations for vitamins, called dietary reference intakes.

Lisa Drayer, nutrition adviser and contributing editor to Women's Health, recommended specific supplements that take into account these latest numbers.

For more information visit Women's Health.

Take a multivitamin daily

For example, Women's One a Day offers only 50 percent of the daily value of Vitamin A, with 20 percent as beta carotene which is a safer alternative. Even small excesses of Vitamin A have been linked to an increased risk of birth defects, liver problems and nervous system disorders, as well as long-term bone damage that can eventually lead to hip fractures.

On the other hand, for Vitamin D the daily value is 400 ius, but current research says women need 800 to 1000.

The four nutrients women need more of are calcium, Vitamin D, magnesium and Vitamin K.