Taking Statins? Five Ways to Boost Your Energy

Statins treat high cholesterol but they can also make you lethargic.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 13, 2009, 9:10 PM

April 14, 2009 — -- More than 13 million Americans use statins to treat high cholesterol and improve heart health. But these drugs can sap a patient's energy, according to a new study released this month by the American Heart Association.

It's a cruel irony that if statins make patients more lethargic, it could impair their ability to exercise or make dietary changes that would help them address their high cholesterol.

A side effect like reduced energy could lead some patients to stop taking their medication. And we're hearing about many patients cutting back on their meds now because of the economy.

High cholesterol must be treated in one way or other. Not treating it could lead to heart disease and strokes.

If you're feeling tired and lethargic, your body is telling you something. Tell your doctor that you have low energy.

There are other known side effects of statins such as achy muscles, a cloudy mind, and one very rare side effect that affects muscle enzymes. Your doctor should do a CPK (creatine phosphokinase) test, that measures if those enzymes are too high, which could have an impact on your energy level.

If no problems are revealed by the muscle enzyme test, talk to your doctor about other courses of treatment. Perhaps a lower dosage would address the cholesterol and boost your energy. There are other medications, lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medication that might help.


Many cardiologists are looking at the supplement CoQ10 as a possible addition to treatment with statins. More research is needed, but some studies have found that patients' energy levels increased while using CoQ10 and statins together.

Stay away from energy-boosting supplements that may have ephedrine-like chemicals or anything that could put your heart at risk.

Try Pomegranate and Chocolate, Not Energy Drinks

Try pomegranate juice or a small chunk of dark chocolate, both of which have beneficial antioxidants. Stay away from energy bars, drinks or boosters, many of which are filled with caffeine and sugar.