Dr. Marty Becker on Training Your New Puppy

Dr. Marty Becker has the information you need on training your new pet.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 3, 2007, 12:28 PM

Jan. 4, 2006 — -- It's the holiday present that every kid dreams of: an adorable, snuggly puppy.

Unfortunately, puppies don't come with instruction manuals, so "Good Morning America" asked veterinarian Marty Becker to give viewers the basics on how to raise their new pup.

If you want a well-rounded, gently mannered dog, there's one secret you must know: Overdo positive experiences during the critical socialization period in puppyhood, which ends when your puppy is about three months old.

This means more than training. Expose your puppy to everything it might encounter -- objects, sounds and so forth -- and reward the behavior you want to teach.

Although owners may think all they need to do is measure food and put it in a bowl, things have changed. Remember, all dogs are descended from wolves. Wolves had to hunt for their dinner, but we've made it easy for dogs.

Instead of searching and capturing their food, they laze over to the bowl. This takes between 30 seconds and three minutes, while hunting would take hours.

Instead, try giving your puppy a food puzzle, like the Canine Genius, the Buster Food Cube and the Busy Buddy.

Rather than making eating an ultraquick, mind-numbing activity for the puppy, it infuses thought, manipulation and skill into meals.

Dogs are just like babies with an obvious oral fixation, They teethe and try to put everything in their mouths. It's natural, normal behavior for dogs and necessary for puppies; their adult teeth start coming in at about 3½ months.

Older dogs like to chew as well -- for enjoyment and to relieve boredom or stress. It also helps reduce dental tartar, so you don't want to stop it.

You have to teach your pet the difference between constructive and destructive chewing. To do this, praise them when they chew the right things while preventing them from chewing the wrong things.