Summer Swimming Tips for Dogs

Learn how you can keep your dog safe in the pool this summer.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 4, 2009, 7:03 PM

Aug. 5, 2009— -- Summertime swimming safety tips don't just apply to children; they also apply to pets.

With more than 8 million swimming pools in the United States, one in 1,028 pets drown in them each year.

While many people believe swimming comes naturally to dogs, their ability to sink or float depends on more than just doggie paddling.

"They do have a natural instinct to paddle, but sometimes, some dogs are thicker than others or their muscle conformation is very dense," said Jean Marie Cooper, of Water 4 Dogs , an animal rehabilitation center in New York City. "So for example, bulldogs, pugs, French bulldogs -- they try to swim but they do kind of sink. Their legs are not long so they're not gonna get a whole lot of thrust out of their stroke."

Water 4 Dogs teaches canines how to swim so that they don't drown in the backyard pool. The organization, which boasts two underwater treadmills and a custom-made swimming pool, also also provides day care and boarding for dogs receiving rehabilitation services, senior dogs and dogs that need a more quiet and subdued environment.

"You can teach them how to swim, but I would not recommend letting your dog swim without supervision ," Cooper said.

She added that it's important that dogs wait two hours after eating before hitting the pool.

"You don't want them to have a full belly or stomach and then exercise intensely because in some large dogs the stomach can twist, and then you have a serious medical emergency on your hands," Cooper said.

People who own older dogs also should be careful because they may no longer be as agile as they once were.