Bill Clinton Pushes Hillary for Vice President

Obama camp resists pressure; Kennedy and Pelosi say it won't happen.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 23, 2008, 8:28 AM

May 23, 2008 — -- Bill Clinton has been Sen. Hillary Clinton's biggest booster in her presidential bid, but is now campaigning for a new job for his wife -- vice president.

The so-called "dream ticket" of Democratic nomination front-runner Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois and the New York senator has been talked up by wistful Democrats for more than a month as the two have gone toe-to-toe and chalked up record turnouts for primaries across the country.

The Clinton camp had previously said such a ticket might be a good idea -- with Obama in the veep spot.

But as the primaries come to an end and Clinton's chances of overtaking Obama's delegate lead dwindle, the former U.S. president has joined the Hillary-for-Veep bandwagon, ABC News' chief Washington correspondent George Stephanopoulos reported.

"He is definitely talking it up, making no secret it would be a strong ticket for Barack Obama," Stephanopoulos reported on "Good Morning America" this morning.

Bill Clinton believes that his wife has "earned the offer of vice president," Stephanopoulos said.

"You're also seeing Clinton supporters talking it up as well, like Sen. [Dianne] Feinstein of California," he said.

Hillary Clinton bolstered her credentials for a spot on the ticket in recent weeks with lopsided primary victories in West Virginia and Kentucky, demonstrating her strength among bedrock Democratic groups like blue-collar workers and women.

There are three primaries left -- Puerto Rico on June 1 and South Dakota and Montana on June 3 -- and Clinton publicly shows no sign of conceding the nomination to Obama. The two camps are currently wrangling over the disputed delegations of Florida and Michigan, which Clinton hopes to settle in her favor.

"Barack Obama will be under pressure to at least give this serious consideration," Stephanopoulos said.

But other top Democrats are downplaying the possibility of a dream ticket in an apparent effort to give Obama support for choosing his own running mate.