Prices of OJ, Milk and Gas Skyrocket

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 8:56 AM

April 3, 2007 — -- Mornings for Americans are about to get a lot more expensive: The prices of orange juice, milk and gas are spiking and all are expected to go even higher.

A family of four that normally goes through five gallons of milk a month would have paid $13.40 for milk per month 10 years ago. Today, $13.40 only buys four gallons of milk. Similarly, in 1997 a family that consumed 10 cans of orange juice a month would have paid $17.70. Today, that money would buy just seven cans of orange juice.

A decade ago, consumers could get 50 gallons of gas for $63. Today that buys less than half that amount: just 23 gallons.

"The prices progressively get higher," Diana Nash, a mother in Vienna, Va., told "Good Morning America." "A year ago orange juice was two for $4. Now it is two for $5."

Since last year, gas prices have gone up more than 5 percent. Milk prices are expected to go up more than 9 percent, and the price of orange juice has gone up an average of 24 percent in the last year.

Stormy weather in Florida and freezing temperatures in California made this year's orange crop one of the smallest in nearly 20 years, driving juice prices through the roof.

The cost of milk is going up because the price of corn has risen, making the feed for cows more costly -- translating into higher milk prices.

But if you want to save a few bucks, there are some healthy alternatives that cost less, like frozen orange juice.

"Frozen orange juice concentrate is basically the same as the carton orange juice that you buy from the store," said Delia Hammock, nutrition director of the Good Housekeeping Research Institute.

According to Hammock, consumers can replace milk from the dairy case with shelf-stable milk.

"Shelf-stable milk is the same as regular liquid milk," she said. "It is pasteurized a bit longer and it tastes a little bit different, but it's the same."