Sorority Scandal: Were Girls Asked to Leave Because of Weight and Race?

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 27, 2007, 8:10 AM

Feb. 27, 2007 — -- Beyond the fraternity parties and formals, most young women pledge a sorority for a house full of friends and a lifetime of sisterhood.

For some of the women of Delta Zeta's DePauw University chapter, however, their ties were cut short by the organization that was supposed to support them.

After a decline in membership at DePauw's local chapter, the national office interviewed the sisters and kicked out 23 members who they said were "not committed" to the sorority.

The former members allege that the women expelled included overweight, black and Asian members, but that the sorority kept sisters who were popular with fraternities.

On "Good Morning America," two former members of Delta Zeta's DePauw chapter spoke out against the national organization and the notion that sorority sisters have to be blonde, thin and popular with the men.

According to Lindsay Moy, who was one of those asked to leave the chapter, the national organization never explained why it was kicking her out.

"We were never given any reason. No one was ever given any explanation even though several times we asked for one," she said. "I'm a good student. I'm involved on campus. I'm social. I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't want me unless it's superficial."

Asked why she thought the national organization had asked her to leave, Moy said, "Because I'm overweight. I honestly cannot think of any other reason."

Joanna Kieschnick was permitted to stay in Delta Zeta but left the sorority on her own, outraged at the national organization.

"I was particularly uncomfortable with a lot of the women they asked to leave," she said. "These are my sisters. These are my friends."

During a recruitment tour, Delta Zeta's national office brought women from other universities to meet and greet freshmen. According to Megan Sikes, who was asked to leave, they were all "basically tall, skinny and blonde."

The national office said looks had nothing to do with its decision; the only factor in determining who would remain an active member was a commitment to recruit for the chapter.