Kellie Pickler Answers Your Questions

The country star performed today on "Good Morning America."

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 12:15 AM

July 20, 2007 — -- Have you been writing any news songs for next album?

I've been writing some but not as much as I want to. I've been so busy on the Brad Paisley Tour that I really haven't had time to sit down and focus. But I can't wait to get back to Nashville and get with some of the writers from "Small Town Girl" and some new writers too. Writing songs is like going to therapy.

Are you dating anyone? What would you do if a fan asked you out?

I've been dating Jordin Tootoo. He's a hockey player for the Nashville Predators. He's taught me how to ice skate, and I've tried to teach him how to sing but he needs a lot more lessons. Now, is that a proposition?

Will you be co-hosting or doing a guest correspondent gig on TV again?

I love to do that but there's nothing planned right now. I am going to sing on "Good Morning America" Monday and "Regis & Kelly" Tuesday. I have asked Ellen Degeneres if she wants to sky-dive though!

Has moving to Nashville, Tenn., and living by yourself in your own apartment been a hard adjustment for you? Does your grandpa ever come to Nashville to visit you?

It's been both fun and a little scary moving to a new town where you don't know many people, but everyone in Nashville is so friendly, and it's been easy making new friends. As for visitors from home, they come when they can.