Vacation Without Weather Worry

Online companies can reimburse you for weather-related troubles.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 5, 2008, 8:34 AM

July 5, 2008 — -- It seems like it's happened to everyone at one point or another: The family gets together, packs up and drags their bags toward the front door with beach fun on their mind. Then they pass the window and stop. It's raining.

It might not completely ruin the vacation, but it's safe to say it puts a damper on the fun.

But several online companies are offering what they call "vacation insurance," deals in which they will reimburse any parts of a vacation that are ruined.

"We will cover them if their vacation is rained out," Jeff Boyd, CEO of, told "Good Morning America."

Though the service is free, does have a clear definition for "rained out" vacation.

"We will repay them the cost of their vacation, including airfare, hotel and destination services that they buy from us if it rains more than a half an inch on half or more of their vacation days," Boyd said.

Vacationer Connie Conner knows what a ruined vacation can be like without the travel insurance.

After shelling out $10,000 to take her two sons to a dude ranch in Montana to ride horses for a week, Conner found her family trapped inside a cabin with no TV and no Internet for more than half of the vacation because of rain.

"[Her sons] were really sad that they didn't get to ride the horses every day, and you know that's what we came to do," Conner said.