500 Pages of 'Circumstantial' Evidence in Casey Anthony Case

Heart-shaped stickers, eerie journal entry among "circumstantial" evidence.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 19, 2009, 9:07 AM

Feb. 19, 2009 — -- Hundreds of pages of newly released evidence from prosecutors in the investigation into the murder of Florida toddler Caylee Anthony contribute to a growing body of circumstantial evidence against the child's mother, but reports on a key detail against Casey Anthony are being vigorously challenged by representatives of the jailed mom.

Anthony's representatives insisted that a seemingly damning diary entry prosecutors allege she penned was written before the child was even born -- not in 2008, as has been reported.

Calls to the prosecutor's office were not immediately returned.

In a diary passage entered into the case file and released this week, Caylee's mother wrote that she had, "no regrets ... just a bit worried ... I just hope that the end justifies the means."

A representative for Casey Anthony, Marti Mackenzie, told ABC News that the entry was written in 2003, before the Caylee was born.

That entry was among 500 pages of evidence Florida prosecutors released Wednesday in the case against Casey Anthony, who is accused of killing her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee.

"There's no slam-dunk in this evidence," former FBI agent and ABC News consultant Brad Garrett told "Good Morning America." "But there is some very circumstantial evidence."

Casey's journal entry was dated June 21, refers to Casey making the "right decision" but does not identify whether the entry is related to Caylee. Caylee Anthony reportedly was last seen on June 9, 2008 and reported missing several weeks later.

"I completely trust my own judgement and I knew that I made the right decision," the entry reads. "This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time. I hope that my happiness will continue to grow."

According to a report by Orange County Sheriff's detective Yuri Mellich, investigators found plastic bags and duct tape in the Anthony home that are "similar" to those found with Caylee's remains. Various kinds of heart-shaped stickers, like one police believe was stuck to duct tape found with the body, were also taken from Casey Anthony's room.

"Does that mean absolutely that the tape found is the same? No," Garrett said. "But it further points to Casey Anthony as the logical suspect."

In his report, Mellich is confident about Casey's alleged involvement.

"There has been no factual evidence to suggest that anyone besides Casey Anthony was the last one to be with Caylee when she was last seen alive... There is nothing to suggest that anyone but Casey Anthony is responsible for the death and disposal of Caylee Anthony," the report said.

Defense lawyers, on the other hand, said the state used "junk science" and point to the lack of fingerprints on the duct tape. That particular brand of duct tape, they said, is the most widely sold brand in the country.

"The state's forensic report on duct tape, plastic bags and other items is a one-sided law enforcement-generated report and is biased and speculative," defense spokeswoman Marti Mackenzie told reporters in an e-mail.