Cyber Monday Dead, but Plenty of Deals Available Online

Learn how to compare prices for gifts online.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 30, 2008, 2:02 PM

Nov. 30, 2008 — -- Widespread broadband access at home may have killed the online shopping bonanza known as Cyber Monday, but consumers still can find great deals online -- given the right timing.

"I'm seeing retailers recognize that prices are going to be the only lure that they can really use. That means they are going to be testing prices at all kinds of discounts just to find the right price," NPD Group chief analyst Marshal Cohen said.

To find the best deal, it's all about when you buy. Online pricing can change quickly because electronic venues don't have the overhead costs associated with sales the way brick-and-mortar stores do.

Online stores don't have to employ more salespeople to staff a store for a sale, send out fliers or update signage. In just a few minutes they can change their prices and send.

"There's no question that pricing changes faster online. They have the ability to instantly change price," Cohen said. "So don't be surprised if you go online and you actually find different prices throughout the day."

And holiday shoppers have become savvy about online sales, tracking products and prices before they make purchases.

Check out the following links below to see how you can get better deals by comparing prices.