Cover Girl: Diane Sawyer in Capitol File Magazine

Sawyer remembers storied career, moments with world leaders.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 30, 2009, 6:01 PM

Sept 30, 2009 — -- "Good Morning America" co-anchor Diane Sawyer has traveled the world and interviewed some of the biggest names in modern history, but for an upcoming cover story from Capitol File Magazine, she sat down to candidly answer questions about her career and personal life.

Sawyer spoke openly to Capitol File about her newsmaking interviews with world leaders such as Boris Yeltsin, a "wildly unruly creature," Nelson Mandela, "a concentrated visionary of courage," and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who asked her why she didn't question him about "romance."

She also opened up about her opinion of the journalism industry and how it has changed over the years as well as the individuals in her life that inspired her to become the world-reknowned journalist she is today.

Sawyer is preparing to take over for Charles Gibson as anchor of ABC News' "World News." She called her appointment to the broadcast, "an enormous honor."

Click here to visit Capitol File Magazine's Web site.