Dad's Schoolbus Outburst Causes Debate

Dad's schoolbus outburst causes debate.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 18, 2010, 1:29 PM

Sept. 18, 2010 -- James Jones' boarding of a school bus in central Florida this week to confront his daughter's bullies has people divided over the appropriateness of his outburst.

Jones, whose raw and obscene rage was on caught on the school bus' security camera, was arrested Thursday after the incident, and he was charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing a school function in Lake Mary, Fla.

The video is blurred but Jones' anger can clearly be heard.

"Everybody sit down. Everybody sit down," Jones said on the surveillance tape. He then orders his 11-year-old daughter to point out her alleged tormenters.

"Show me which one. Show me which one," he said.

Jones confronts the middle school students he says have been bullying his daughter, who has cerebral palsy, by taunting, hitting and even throwing condoms at her.

"I'm gonna (expletive) you up. … this is my daughter, and I will kill the (expletive) who fought her," Jones said.

Jones reportedly threatened not only the students but the bus driver as well.

"If anything happens to my daughter I'm going to (expletive) you up and everybody on this (expletive)," he said.

Before leaving, he dares them to call the police.

"You call the police, call them. My brother's the damn deputy sheriff."