Queen Rania on Education, Peace in the Middle East and Twitter

Diane Sawyer talks to the tech-savvy queen of Jordan.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 22, 2009, 11:50 PM

Sept. 23, 2009— -- Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, who calls herself a "mum and a wife with a really cool day job" spoke to "Good Morning America's" Diane Sawyer about her efforts to erase stereotypes, her love of social networking sites and her passion for education.

"At the moment, there's 75 million children who are out of school," she said. "To get them into school would cost about $11 billion a year.

"Now, that sounds like a lot of money. But let me put it into perspective. Americans spend that amount of money on their pets in three months. Europeans spend that amount of money on ice cream every year."

Queen Rania established an organization called 1Goal, which aims to provide education for every child in the world by 2015. She calls education a lifeline that gives children an opportunity to climb out of poverty.

Although the organization will likely not meet its goal by 2015, Queen Rania said she hopes to draw attention to the problem and spur leaders to act.

"I really feel that political will is born out of popular will," she said.

On her Twitter page, the queen once described education as "my shield, my sword and my olive branch."

"I'm sure all of your viewers, as well, we agonize over our kids' education," Queen Rania said. "Because we understand how important their education is for their future ... and we just need to realize that every parent feels that way toward their children. Every parent wants to give their children the chance at a better life."

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