'GMA' Quick Tip: Where to Retire

Making a retirement plan can be confusing; avoid problems with Mellody's tips.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 15, 2011, 3:04 PM

Feb. 16, 2011 — -- Retirement is a fun and exciting time, but planning for it can be complicated. "Good Morning America" personal finance contributor Mellody Hobson is here to help answer your questions.

There's a lot to consider when you retire. So, before you move to Istanbul or Florida don't forget about your health. As people live longer, they visit hospitals more often and take more prescriptions. Check the proximity of hospitals, pharmacies, exercise facilities and anything else that will help keep you fit and healthy.

Taxes are another thing to consider. Imagine what you could save from living in a no-income tax state like Florida or a no sales tax state like Delaware, or if you have an adventurous spirit, a state with neither like Alaska. Bankrate.com has state by state comparisons for income, sales, property, and estate taxes so you can get the most bang for your buck.