Robin Roberts Prepares To Be A Supermodel

Robin prepares to walk Isaac Mizrahi's runway show for the "I Dare You" series.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 5, 2008, 9:26 AM

Feb. 6, 2008 — -- The "Good Morning America" anchors are daring each other to do things they've never done before.

First up Diane Sawyer, Chris Cuomo and Sam Champion dared Robin Roberts to walk a catwalk like a supermodel. Robin's recent battle with cancer has left her feeling down at times, and she said she thought the dare would be a good way to increase her confidence.

Tune in to "Good Morning America" Thursday to watch Robin walk the catwalk of the Isaac Mizrahi fashion show LIVE, smack in the middle of New York Fashion Week.

Today on "GMA" Robin visited Isaac to pick out a dress and get fitted before the runway show Thursday.

For more than 20 years, Isaac has been dedicated to making women look and feel beautiful, designing everything from high fashion couture to everyday wear for Target.

Earlier this week Robin sought advice from one of the world's most successful models to make sure she had the moves down before making her runway debut. Tyra Banks invited Robin to her talk show set to teach her how to strut her stuff like a glamazon.

Tyra, who worked for 15 years as a model and was the first black model featured on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover, was eager to help.

Tyra said the key to that model face is looking bored.

"It's almost dead pan and I'm bored and I'm better than all of you people in the audience," she said. "I'm better than all of you. Yes. I'm bored of you. Don't you want to be me? Don't you want to be me?"

"Bored and then anger," Tyra added.

At the same time the eyes should flirt with the audience. When you come to the end of the runway, your face should remain straight ahead, but your eyes should look right and left.

"You keep your face forward and then just eyes imagine you're flirting with somebody on the left and just go, 'Hey,'" she told Robin. "Pout your lips," she added.

Tyra encouraged Robin to practice her walk. The women bounced up and down and swayed their hips while standing steady. Then the two moved on to perfecting the strut.

"Don't stop in the middle and be twirling and all that. Just keep going and don't pause," Tyra said.

Now it was time to put together all the elements to create the perfect walk.